Business, Entrepreneur, Lifehacks

How Your Understanding of How the Brain Works Can Increase Your Success

Our brains undoubtedly have a major impact on our ability to do business, but could our understanding of our brains help too? Experts in neuroscience believe that better knowledge of


Geek, Music, Tech

Music’s Effect on the Brain

For many of us, listening to music is just a fun way to pass the time. But for some, music is a powerful tool for healing. It can help us


Geek, Health, Lifehacks

Back or Side Sleeper – What is the Difference?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the debate of back vs side sleeping, as the best position for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences. However, there is


Entrepreneur, Lifehacks

Entrepreneur Mental Health: Do You Need A Therapist?

The modern era of psychology has found itself plagued with a problem that is growing at an uncomfortable rate: Mental Health Issues. No one is immune to this growing disorder


Games, Lifehacks, Nerd Fun, Tech

Puzzling It Out: How Brain Teasers Can Be Good for You

You probably see puzzles as a fun thing to do in your spare time or a guilty pleasure when you know that you should be getting work done, but did


Geek Fit, Lifehacks, Tips

The Medicinal Uses of CBD

As more medical research is done, the more researchers discover that plants–long used in ancient medicine–may have much greater power than previously believed. Scientists are beginning to look for power


Art, Inspiration, Music

Music Everywhere: Benefits of Having Radio Playing in the Background

There are plenty of studies that reveal the impact music has on the human brain. There is no doubt that music can help stimulate the brain in different ways, which