Business, Lifehacks, Tips

Maintaining Positive Finances In Spite of Covid-19

If you’re ready to see the back of 2020, you’re not alone. This has been the worst or most difficult year that many of us have experienced in a long


Business, Entrepreneur, Marketing

Maintaining Communication with Your Customers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

This year communication has become more important than ever. At points, most of the population has been living in some level of lockdown, unable to visit friends and family, and


Entrepreneur, Lifehacks, Tech

Working From Home Your New Normal? Here’s What To Think About [INFOGRAPHIC]

When it comes to working from home, many of us face this new normal on how our jobs look. Some may have become more accustomed to it, whereas others might


Business, Entrepreneur, Tech

How Can Voice Analytics Benefit Businesses During the Pandemic?

COVID-19 has placed a strain on every business around the world, whether this is a loss of revenue from having to close doors, adapting procedures to allow social distancing and


Business, Marketing

Marketing Options for 2021

Marketing is a big deal for companies that want to get ahead in this day and age. It has actually always been a big deal. If you’re in charge of


Geek, Health, Tech

3 Healthcare Tech Advancements For Older Adults

As technology advances, many daily processes become easier. However, there are many advancements that can also have a direct effect on your health. With new technology comes new medical breakthroughs


Business, Entrepreneur, Lifehacks

6 Things to Consider When Creating a Home Office

Working from home has many benefits, but you may encounter some hurdles along the way, so you must know what you are getting into before taking the plunge. If you


Health, Lifehacks, Tech

Personal Portable Sensors: What do I need to know?

An essential part of modern healthcare, sensor devices are a quick and simple way to take ownership over your own healthcare and make an informed decision in seeking treatment. Now