Finance, Lifehacks, Money

The Power of Good Credit: Benefits Everyone Should Know

When navigating large financial transactions or signing a contract, most institutions will evaluate a customer’s credit score. Credit scores impact several aspects of our lives and act as the foundation


Lifehacks, Money, Tips

5 Credit Score Mistakes to Avoid Making

Good credit habits are essential for creating and maintaining a positive credit history because your credit score is one of many significant markers of your financial health. Credit cards are


Finance, Lifehacks, Tips

What Do You Do When Your Card Is Declined

Having a credit card declined isn’t a great feeling, but it happens and there’s no need to worry. It could be a mistake, in which case, there are steps you


Business, Entrepreneur, Tech

How to Verify Customer Information and Prevent Fraud

Any business must check whether customers are legitimate. Through an effective verification process, business owners can prevent fraudulent activities, detect fake identities, and comply with government regulations, especially when it


Business, Entrepreneur, Marketing

10 Ways Marketing can Help You Avoid Company Debt

Most businesses have some form of debt, especially when they’re just starting out and haven’t built up a client base yet. So how can marketing help combat this? Take a


Lifehacks, Tips

Ways to Avoid the Vicious Credit Debt

No matter how hard you try, it is almost impossible to stay away from the charm of credit cards. There is so much that you can do with it. It


Business, Entrepreneur, Freelance

How to Get a Mortgage When You’re Working as a Freelancer

Getting a mortgage is never easy, even when you have a full-time job. But if you are self-employed or are considering becoming a freelancer, then you know that lenders do


Business, Entrepreneur, Startup

7 Funding Options for Business Growth

Funding a business is a challenge in even the most prosperous of economies, but given the state of the country’s economy at the moment, it’s arguably as difficult as it