Geek, Lifehacks, Tech

Recover Formatted SD Card on Mac or Windows: A Working Solution

If you have accidentally formatted your SD card and are looking for ways to get your data back, then you are at the right place. Yes, it is possible to


Business, Entrepreneur, Tech

10 Tech Tricks To Improve Communication With Customers

An essential ingredient of good customer service is open communication. Forgetting to answer emails or failing to answer phonecalls can often lead to mistrust from customers. This can damage your


Business, Tech

Shielding IoT Against Security Breach

The Internet of Things (IoT) is an interconnected array of electronic devices linked by the Internet, through which they transmit and receive data. The original “thing” was a Coca Cola


Programming, Tech

Why a Python Certification Is Important in Your Career

The ICT sector has evolved. New technologies and advanced hardware are emerging every single day. The programmers are expected to step up and counter the fast-growing technologies by developing equally


Business, Tech

Fostering Network Security in a BYOD World

From the continuous escape from the 9-5 working schedules to the increase in technological advancements, it is almost impossible for businesses to ignore the need for BYOD policies. Slowly, employees


Business, Marketing

What Does ACD Mean in Call Center Lingo?

Call centers use a variety of different systems that integrate hardware and programming to enable call center agents to provide optimal service to callers. An ACD, short for “automatic call


Business, Web

How Does Website Hosting Actually Work?

Web hosting refers to the service wherein storage space is provided for an application or a website on a server on the web. In short, web hosting means computers or


Development, Tech, Tips

4 Key Benefits Of Having A Secured Website

A secured website brings tons of benefits not only to online users, but to website owners also. Privacy and data protection should be prioritized at all times to prevent identity