Business, Entrepreneur

5 Best Degrees for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Some of the greatest entrepreneurs today either have a non-traditional background or are self-professed “dropouts”. But many forget that the wide majority of successful business owners still have some sort


Business, Entrepreneur, Productivity

Case Study: How I Maximize My Day As A Full Time Entrepeneur

My name is Adam Eleiko, I have four small children, I run a  successful seven-figure business in less  than three hours a week, because I’ve  optimized, automated and outsourced  everything


Business, Entrepreneur, Lifehacks

How Long Does it Take to Sell a Business?

Selling a business is a different process for everyone. Each business has its own industry to consider, different assets and cash flow, and each owner has a different vision for


Business, Entrepreneur, Startup

Some Entrepreneurs Hate Their Work: Here’s How NOT To Join Them

Entrepreneurs often start their careers in high spirits, believing that success is just a couple of years away. Sure, life might be tough right now, but in the end, it’ll


Business, Entrepreneur, Startup

10 Skills Every Small Business Manager Needs to Succeed

Running a successful business isn’t for the faint hearted. Whether you’re about to take the plunge and set up your first company, or you have a string of businesses already,


Business, Entrepreneur

5 Ways to Boost Your Business Knowledge

Running a successful business requires a unique set of qualities, including passion, resilience and determination and, while beginners should always start with the basic principles first, there’s no harm in


Business, Entrepreneur, Startup

How To Deal With A Scornful Ex-Business Partner

They say ‘hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.’ Now, this statement today might raise some eyebrows, but let us face it, a romantic relationship going sour can turn


Business, Entrepreneur

Passive Income for Life: 8 Solid Reasons to Invest in the Real Estate Market

Investing in real estate is often touted as one of the best investment options for today, but why is it such a good idea? While it does take some money