Some of the greatest entrepreneurs today either have a non-traditional background or are self-professed “dropouts”. But many forget that the wide majority of successful business owners still have some sort
Case Study: How I Maximize My Day As A Full Time Entrepeneur
My name is Adam Eleiko, I have four small children, I run a successful seven-figure business in less than three hours a week, because I’ve optimized, automated and outsourced everything
How Long Does it Take to Sell a Business?
Selling a business is a different process for everyone. Each business has its own industry to consider, different assets and cash flow, and each owner has a different vision for
Some Entrepreneurs Hate Their Work: Here’s How NOT To Join Them
Entrepreneurs often start their careers in high spirits, believing that success is just a couple of years away. Sure, life might be tough right now, but in the end, it’ll
10 Skills Every Small Business Manager Needs to Succeed
Running a successful business isn’t for the faint hearted. Whether you’re about to take the plunge and set up your first company, or you have a string of businesses already,
5 Ways to Boost Your Business Knowledge
Running a successful business requires a unique set of qualities, including passion, resilience and determination and, while beginners should always start with the basic principles first, there’s no harm in
How To Deal With A Scornful Ex-Business Partner
They say ‘hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.’ Now, this statement today might raise some eyebrows, but let us face it, a romantic relationship going sour can turn
Passive Income for Life: 8 Solid Reasons to Invest in the Real Estate Market
Investing in real estate is often touted as one of the best investment options for today, but why is it such a good idea? While it does take some money