Art, Design, Geek, Inspiration, Movies, Nerd Fun, Photography, popular

30+ Epic True Detective Wallpapers

If you are like me and saw the first season of True Detective, you freaking loved it. It was an amazing show, Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey did a fantastic


3D, Art, Design, Geek, Illustration, Inspiration, Nerd Fun

20 Fantastic Fantasy Wallpapers For Your Desktop, Tablet, or Mobile Phone

Do you remember the time when you were a child? Back then, trust came easy, the world seemed like such a big place, and so full of wonders. Every day


Art, Design, Geek, Illustration, Inspiration

50+ Most Epic Game Of Thrones Wallpaper

If you haven’t fallen in love with Game of Thrones yet… Go do that now! Why are you still here!? If you love Game of Thrones like the rest of


3D, Art, Design, Freebies, Funny, Games, Geek, Illustration, Inspiration, Nerd Fun

30 Epic Minecraft Wallpapers

Minecraft is a game packed with people that knows how to use their creative mind in the best ways possible. This doesn’t only show in-game, but also out of game.


Art, Design, Geek

55+ Epic Doctor Who Wallpapers

Who doesn’t like Time Traveling Aliens in a good science fiction? NOBODY buddy. Thats who. Doctor who, to be exact! Whether you are a fan of the show, or you


Nerdy Daily Web Development and Design Links

#WDNDL For 2/2/2010 – Apple News, Photoshop & Code Tuts, Freebies & Inspirations!

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