Business, Entrepreneur, Productivity

Case Study: How I Maximize My Day As A Full Time Entrepeneur

My name is Adam Eleiko, I have four small children, I run a  successful seven-figure business in less  than three hours a week, because I’ve  optimized, automated and outsourced  everything


Blogging, Business, Freelance

Are You Ready To Blog Full-Time?

Starting a blog can be a lot of fun. For most people, it’s something that starts out of interest. Out of wanting to write. Out of having a passion for


Career, Lifehacks, Tips

Should You Apply for a Seasonal Job?

Seasonal job: the term comes with some negative connotations. Most people associate seasonal jobs with the holiday season, particularly Thanksgiving and Christmas. They imagine long, thankless hours, angry customers, and


Business, Freelance

The Woes of Freelancing: Financial Obstacles and Solutions

Freelancing is what I recommend for anyone feeling that entrepreneurial “itch”. The path allows you to leverage existing skills into a viable business offering services. Plus, you get to improve