architecture, Computer Science, Development, Geek, Programming, Tech

10 Gigabit Ethernet & The Future of Networking

The rise of cloud computing is a bit like that of a space shuttle taking off. When the rocket engine and its propellants fire up, the shuttle lifts slowly off


Business, Geek, Tech

The Billion Dollar Lost Laptop Problem – The Cost of Lost Data & How To Protect Yourself.

Every time a business laptop is lost and/or stolen, an organization takes a direct cost hit. But how much of a hit might surprise you. What would your organization do


Nerdy Daily Web Development and Design Links

#WDNDL For 10/02/2009 – Geeky News & Gadgets, Freelance Tips, Freebies!

10 Creative Magazines With Blog & Twitter Friendly Websites | Inspired Magazine awesome magazines with awesome blogs (tags: inspiration social creative online magazine) An Introduction to Google Wave – Google


Nerdy Daily Web Development and Design Links :: Web Development Nerdy Daily Links For 10/31/2008

Happy Halloween and welcome to your Daily Nerdy Links post! I hope all you Subscribers are ready for today and are reading this at your computers all dressed in crazy