Like any specialized industry, fintech is brimming with trendy buzzwords and obscure jargon that can make it difficult for the layperson to jump right in. KYC, blockchain, and regtech are
What is the difference between a Mobile App and Mobile Website?
Gone are the days when phones were just used for making calls and sending text messages, the sleek and smart mobiles offer a lot more than that. According to a
How Smartphones Changed Photography
There was a time when photos that developed instantly were considered the cutting edge of technology. Nowadays, those cameras are relegated to novelty items at parties. It’s still fun to
7 Powerful Apps to Boost Your Productivity in College
As a college student who wants to utilize technology to revolutionize his learning experience and revamp his/her education life, there are some apps developed just for you. These apps help
Want To Download Free Music Online? Here Are Six Things to Think About
Ask anyone what he/she does first after getting to work, and the answer is likely to be tuning to the best music, such as the tracks made by Hamed Wardak.
Top 4 Addictive Android Games
It’s no wonder that there are so many incredible Android games, when 88% of all smartphones use the Android OS. But with so much to choose from, including puzzle games,
iWish I Never Bought This iPhone In The First Place!
It’s not an exaggeration to say that Apple is the most popular provider of cell phones in the world. Even with the resurgence of Samsung, the iPhone is comfortably everyone’s