Geek, Tech, Web

Is the Dark Web Dangerous and What Are the Legal Risks?

The dark web used to be a place for hackers, law enforcement agents, and all manner of cybercriminals, but in 2021 it’s possible for anyone to try it out. But


Tech, Web

The Dangers of the Dark Web

It’s not much of a secret that the dark web is a fairly unsavory place. After all, it typically appears in the news in connection to cyber crimes, narcotics arrests,


Lifehacks, Tips

Lawyers Working for Good

Lawyers don’t always have the best reputation. In public polls that ask people which professions they respect or trust the most, lawyers generally come in slightly above members of Congress.


Business, Entrepreneur

Australian Business Regulations: What You Need To Know

When it comes to following the rules in international business, there’s no room for error. Regardless of how an infraction or mistake occurs, the business owners will be held responsible.