Lifehacks, Tips

Six Simple Steps to Become Debt Free in 2018

With the cost of living rising and income remaining stagnant, it is very easy for most people to get and stay in debt. Income growth has not matched the rising


Business, Startup

Can Your Startup Survive Without Loans?

What is a start-up? What The Hell Is A Startup Anyway? This is a newly formed company whose product features aim to satisfy particular market niche. Startup companies usually require


Business, Money, Tips

Your Financial Future

It’s fair to call the United States of America a pretty anxious nation right now. There’s a lot of distrust and suspicion of politicians and the media, among other groups.


Business, Freelance

The Woes of Freelancing: Financial Obstacles and Solutions

Freelancing is what I recommend for anyone feeling that entrepreneurial “itch”. The path allows you to leverage existing skills into a viable business offering services. Plus, you get to improve