Art, Fashion, Health

Tips for Long-Lasting Lip Colour and Texture

An essential and indispensable truth in beauty is long-lasting lip colour and smooth texture. When perfectly applied, lipstick or lip gloss enhances your appearance and fills you with confidence. It


Fashion, Health, Lifehacks

Best Blush Stick Formulas for Sensitive Skin

If you have sensitive skin and want to find a single-pronged beauty product that can be stable in your make-up bag, finding the right blush stick for such a condition


Geek, Health, Lifehacks

5 Tips for Making Yourself Feel Confident and Beautiful

Even the most beautiful and confident people in the world have their off days. It’s absolutely ridiculous to expect yourself to always be full of self-confidence and feel your best.


Health, personal, Tips

How To Look Your Youngest

A lot goes into looking young. Youth comes across in our physical features, of course – smooth skin, for instance, or full lips. But unblemished skin can still look unhealthy


Art, Design, Geek, Illustration, Inspiration, Nerd Fun, Photoshop

50+ Epic Halloween Art

Ah, you can feel it in the air. Its getting colder, the days are getting shorter, that only means one thing. BRACE YOURSELVES. Halloween is Coming. That is correct –