Business, Lifehacks, Tips

Hiring Specialist Staff – What You Should Look For

When hiring highly specialized staff, it can be very important to find the right person. This is because you cannot afford to suffer high staff turnover, to have issues relating


Business, Lifehacks, Tips

Quality Used Equipment

We have a tendency to believe that newer is better. That’s why car companies spend millions of dollars on lavish car commercials seem like the height of both luxury and


Geek, Geek Fit, Lifehacks, Tips

Life Hacks: How Geeks Can Stay Healthy

Let’s be honest with ourselves, the life of a geek is far from what some might call healthy. Most of us spend a lot of time at computer desks or


Geek Fit, Lifehacks, Tips

Getting Proper Medical Care for Your Family

In a changing world, healthcare is something easily taken for granted. For the most part, we grumble about our high insurance deductibles and hope we never have to go in


Health, Lifehacks, personal

Tackling Your Loved One’s Cancer

Of all the words in the English language, “cancer” is perhaps the most frightening. Cancer affects approximately 38.5% of men and women, and, while often treatable, the initial diagnosis can


Business, Health, Tips

Everything You Need To Know About Health And Safety Compliance

The health and safety of a business should be at the forefront of the business model, but it can become a complex maze if you aren’t sure what you’re looking