Great weekend. Had a relaxing time over the weekend, hope the same can be said for you! Todays links are short and sweet but there are a few good ones
#WDNDL For 4/30/2009 – Random Gloriousness from the Web!
Awesome week. How was yours? Drop me a line and let me know! Lots of random awesome stuff from the web yesterday, some of it is hilarious, some great tutorials,
#WDNDL For 4/29/2009 – Fonts, Icons and Inspiration, oh My!
This week is going pretty well so far! Hope the same for you! Happy Hump Day! Todays links post contains a ton of different things, something for everyone for sure!
#WDNDL For 4/21/2009 – Designer Resources Edition! (from brushes to tutorials)
This week is turning out to be a busy one as well! But never fear, relaxation is here! I have rounded up some awesome links that have some AWESOME resources!
#WDNDL For 4/20/2009 – Branding Edition!
Wow, what a crazy week last week, Was not feeling well most of it so thats why the Daily links was missed a few days 🙁 My apologies! But it
#WDNDL For 4/13/2009 – PS Brushes and Textures Edition!
Another crazy week has started! Its Tuesday! So I hope everyone has had a great start so far! Todays links have some AMAZING Textures and Brushes, so check them out,
Web Development Nerdy Daily Links For 4/07/2009 – Designer Tips and Inspiration Edition!
Its Tuesday! Still busy, and still tired, but making the most of it! Today’s Daily links have some GREAT Inspirational posts, there are also tons of great Design Tutorials so
Web Development Nerdy Daily Links For 4/03/2009 – #followfriday & Tutorial Edition
TGIF! Today is the best day of the week! Its #followfriday! Todays post has a ton of TUTORIALS for Photoshop and Illustrator, even a few jquery ones too! Something for