Apps, Mobile, Music

Want To Download Free Music Online? Here Are Six Things to Think About

Ask anyone what he/she does first after getting to work, and the answer is likely to be tuning to the best music, such as the tracks made by Hamed Wardak.


Geek, Lifehacks, Productivity

5 Hobbies That Make You Smarter

There is no specific age to learn something new and to become smart in things that you do normally in daily life. While we all strive to become better at


Art, Inspiration, Music

Music Everywhere: Benefits of Having Radio Playing in the Background

There are plenty of studies that reveal the impact music has on the human brain. There is no doubt that music can help stimulate the brain in different ways, which


3D, Design, Development, Games, Geek, HTML5, Nerd Fun, Tech

10 Free & Most Fun HTML5 Sports Games

So your done with your College Basketball Picks and you need something else to occupy your time till the next big game? No problem we have you covered! These HTML5 games are awesome, fun, and the best part is you can play them anywhere that you have a browser!


architecture, Art, Design, Funny, Geek, Inspiration, Nerd Fun, Photography

60+ Hilarious, Creative & Beautiful Examples of Toy & Video Game Inspired Photography

When I was in middle school, I used to walk down to the comic shop (which sadly doesn’t exist anymore where I live) after school and I would pick up


Design, Inspiration, Nerd Fun, Tech

100+ Epic 8-Bit Design Inspirations – Illustration, Pixel Art, Web Design & More Retro Nostalgia

Ok so I thought it’s been a while – you guys need some more pure 8-bit design inspiration. We did a post a while back that you guys seemed to