Business, Entrepreneur, Tech

Understanding the Role of Cloud Access Security Brokers in Modern Business

Modern businesses are moving more and more of their data into typical cloud-driven architectures. Managing and maintaining protocols in this new environment requires specialization. A CASB is a cloud-based software


Business, Entrepreneur, Tech

Streamlining Document Management with Capture OCR Technology

Are you exhausted from putting in countless hours entering data into your computer system and sorting through mountains of paperwork? It’s not just you—most businesses struggle with managing and organizing


Business, Tech

4 Ways to Keep Yours and Your Customer’s Information Safe

Sometimes it can feel like almost anyone can get a hold of our important information, but there are ways to safeguard both you and your customer’s information against those trying


Business, Tech, Web

Network Security Vs Cyber Security

It’s a constant game of tug-of-war between those who want to infiltrate the internet and those who want to protect it. As a business especially, having outdated or inferior security