Career, Lifehacks, Tips

The Fundamental Skills To Take To Any New Career

More and more companies are reducing activity to get through the current crisis, but leaving the employees with the highest skills. Whether you are currently employed, or are wishing to


Business, Lifehacks, Tech

How To Strengthen Technology Skills In Business

Technology plays a major part in any business, and so it’s important to find ways that you can help build and improve on this area of your company. Here are


Career, Lifehacks, Tech, Tips

6 Ways IT Professionals Can Keep Their Skills Current

In some careers, there’s little need for additional learning after one completes their college degree. Just one or two short courses can do. That’s not the case in the IT


Business, Entrepreneur

A Good Workman Always Evaluates His Tools… And So Does A Good Entrepreneur!

They say that a bad workman always blames his tools. That’s as true in the digital realm as it is in the world of carpentry or plumbing. In the world


Business, Career, Entrepreneur

6 Ways To Expand Your Business Skillset

The best entrepreneurs are always learning new things. Broadening your skillset could allow you to take on new jobs and find quicker and more efficient ways of doing things. Here


Entrepreneur, Lifehacks

10 Lessons History Teaches Us About Leadership

The history is full of many incredible stories of inspiring leaders, and the seemingly impossible things they made happen – such as Alexander the great, Abraham Lincoln, Julius Caesar, Napoleon,


Nerdy Daily Web Development and Design Links

#WDNDL For 4/29/2009 – Fonts, Icons and Inspiration, oh My!

This week is going pretty well so far! Hope the same for you! Happy Hump Day! Todays links post contains a ton of different things, something for everyone for sure!


Nerdy Daily Web Development and Design Links :: Web Development Nerdy Daily Links For 10/22/2008

Now that the week is in full motion, there is no stopping the resources! I have a whole new batch of knowledge and enlightenment in my Link Bag today. Hope