Blogging, Freebies, Freelance, Inspiration, jQuery, Programming, Wordpress

10 Free WordPress Themes for Creative Professional Work Portfolios

Whether you are a photographer, a designer, or an artist, you will need a Web design that shows off large, beautiful pictures of your work. If you are looking for


Art, Design, Geek, Inspiration, Print

25+ Creative, Unique, & Fresh Business Card Design Inspirations from 2011

There were some amazing business card designs this year, but the year is not over! Here is a collection of some of our favorite (and freshest) business cards of 2011


Art, Design, Inspiration, Tech

40+ Amazing Christmas Light Photography & Display Designs – Beautiful Holiday Inspiration

Happy Holidays everyone! With Christmas coming around the corner I’ve been seeing tons of Light Displays everywhere and some of them were really good and inspiring! SO I thought I


Art, Design, Geek, Inspiration, Photography

25+ Amazing & Beautiful Examples of Double Exposure Photography Portraits

I love Photography. Not only do I enjoy the pure visual aspect of Photography, I love the effects and techniques used in Photography. Today we take a trip down the


Art, Design, Geek, Inspiration, Nerd Fun, Print

35+ Beautifully Minimal & Unique Print Calendar Design Inspirations

They say less is more. When it comes to design, that is so on target. I love posters like this. minimal is beautiful. Minimalism is so fresh and relaxing –


Design, Geek, Inspiration, Nerd Fun, Photography, Print

80+ Creative, Unique, & Clever Sticker Print Design Inspirations

Everyone loves Stickers. Stickers are fun, and funny! When I was a kid I had a sticker book and tons and tons and tons of stickers on it and in


architecture, Design, Geek, Inspiration, Photography

Beautiful, Amazing & Timeless Architecture Photography – 90+ Pictures from Moscow, Russia

One of the most interesting and biggest cities in the world – Moscow is a stunning place. If you haven’t read up on it – check that wiki link! I