Business, Entrepreneur

Protecting Your Business Property

Running your own business is hard work. You’ll have to commit a lot of time, effort and perhaps even money. Of course, it has countless benefits and can be a


Apps, Business

5 Reasons Intranet Apps Matter Now More Than Ever

And Why Your Company Needs One? Intranets have been around in one shape or form for decades. If you are looking to introduce a powerful internal unification platform for your


Games, Geek, Tech

How Will 5G Improve Mobile Gaming?

Mobile devices have transformed the way we live and have rendered distances irrelevant. In addition to keeping players happy, they make it possible for users to access any information they


Games, Geek, Lifehacks

How to Download PPSSPP on iOS 13 and Android Pie

Did you used to have a PlayStation Portable (PSP) handheld games console? Or a PlayStation? Loved the games you could play on it? Well, now you can play them on


Business, Tech

Top 8 Locations of Your Corporate Building That You Should Consider Monitoring with a Security Camera

Building security is always a primary consideration when you are running a business especially when you consider all the valuable assets that you are trying to protect. A security breach


Lifehacks, Tips

How to Figure out If It’s Time for an Antenna Repair

Nobody likes to deal with bad TV reception, or even worse, no reception at all. If you have an antenna set up at your home, then that could only mean


Career, Lifehacks, Productivity

Are These Time-Wasters Causing You To Work Overtime?

So, do you regularly work overtime? Many of us do, not because we enjoy spending a longer time in the office when everybody else has gone home for the day.


Business, Tech

How AI Can Help Your Small Business

Technology has revolutionized the world we live in, and it’s now possible for us all to take advantage of ideas that were only dreamed off just a few decades ago.