Business, Tech

Electronic Signature Security: Are Electronic Signatures Safe?

Electronic signatures, or digital signatures, are an easy way to organise your business digitally. By giving you the power to sign documents on screen, you avoid the hassle of printing,


Lifehacks, Tech, Tips

Have Humans Become Overly Dependent upon Technology?

Yes, Humans have become too dependent on technology. We use it for everything from communication to entertainment to education. While technology has many benefits, it can also be harmful if


Business, Marketing

4 Ways a Customer Relationship Management System Can Supplement B2B Marketing

Sales has evolved over the years, and it’s now not just about attracting leads to your brands, it’s about converting them into customers and retaining them as well.  In the


Business, Lifehacks, Tech

Top 5 Cryptocurrencies Mining Software

Cryptocurrencies are termed as monies of the future by many people. To have these currencies, one has to mine them. Mining software is very essential for this operation. It’s vital


Business, Entrepreneur

The Fruitful Terrain of High-Risk Business: 5 Reasons Why Entrepreneurship is Booming

We are living in an entrepreneurial age, and entrepreneurs can be cultivated anywhere on the globe. Whether we look closely around us, or examine the media, we can find them


Geek, Lifehacks, Tech

The Main Reason Why You Don’t Need the Latest and Greatest Smartphone: Depreciation

Every smartphone manufacturer seems to make a point of delivering their next generation of smartphones with each passing year. This has always been the way the industry has functioned and


Business, Startup, Tech

Why Startups Should Always Buy Refurbished IT

Maybe you have come across stories about how huge companies like Apple and Microsoft started – in the garage or basement. Whenever these stories pop up it is usually a


Apps, Business, Development

What Is an API and What Role Does It Play in the Digital Transformation?

To date, IT has not been considered a strategic area in the organization, but rather an “order taker” of other units more “core” of the business. The digital age needs