Business, Entrepreneur, Productivity

5 Ways to Help Employees with Time Management

Time management is a real game-changer in any workplace. When your workers can effectively organize their day, they are more productive, less stressed, and better goal-setters. In reality, the demands


Career, Lifehacks, Tips

Reasons You May Need To Take A Break

All passionate entrepreneurs can relate. Your business becomes almost an obsession. Your mind is wired into what you need to do next. Rolling over opportunities, networking events, pitches, presentations, and


Business, Entrepreneur, Productivity

Case Study: How I Maximize My Day As A Full Time Entrepeneur

My name is Adam Eleiko, I have four small children, I run a  successful seven-figure business in less  than three hours a week, because I’ve  optimized, automated and outsourced  everything


Business, Entrepreneur, Lifehacks

How Long Does it Take to Sell a Business?

Selling a business is a different process for everyone. Each business has its own industry to consider, different assets and cash flow, and each owner has a different vision for


Business, Entrepreneur, Startup

Some Entrepreneurs Hate Their Work: Here’s How NOT To Join Them

Entrepreneurs often start their careers in high spirits, believing that success is just a couple of years away. Sure, life might be tough right now, but in the end, it’ll


Business, Marketing, Productivity

How to Save Time and Money using Marketing Automation Software?

The scope and usage of marketing automation is growing by the day. According to statistics, on an average around 51% of companies are using marketing automation and around 58% of


Lifehacks, Productivity, Tips

Apps To Boost Productivity

In this world of fast-paced living, deadlines, 24-hour access to emails and your ever-increasing workload, we’re all searching for ways to be more productive. From turning up your heating before


Business, Entrepreneur, Freelance

Time Traps: The Self Employed Experience

When people decide to become self-employed, the most common thing most consider first is the amount of freedom you will have to do what you like with your own business,