Geek, Tips, Travel

10 Terrific Travel Apps for #Summer2019

A lot of hard grind goes in to planning the perfect getaway, but when you’re equipped with travel apps, this burden becomes a positive pleasure. With that in mind, here


Business, Entrepreneur, Freelance

Is It Time For You To Finally Chase Your Dreams?

When it comes to life, it’s really not all that easy for you to find yourself on your dream career path to begin with. Sure, when you’re in school, you


Art, Inspiration, Photography

Urban Photography: Photographing Neon Lights

Urban life is a fascinating theme. It’s challenging, risky, and demanding. There are plenty of subjects to choose from and many stories to tell. Urban photography needs creativity and courage.


Career, Lifehacks, Tips, Travel

Active Lessons Can Boost Children’s Learning and Health

Australia has one of the best education systems in the world that attracts many international students. The states of Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, and Western Australia have some of


Blogging, Business, Video

Top 16 Most Profitable Niches on YouTube to Start your Vlog

Video blogging is an area where you can express yourself, find fans and make good money. YouTube provides all the necessary tools for this, and most importantly, it gives a



From New York to San Francisco: The Best Cities for Entrepreneurs to Expand to in the US

Expanding to America makes a lot of sense – it’s still broadly accepted to have the largest economy in the world and is by many indicators the biggest importer of


Career, Lifehacks, Tips

Where Do You See Yourself In 10 Years Time?

Now isn’t this big of us to ask you! To think that far into the future might give a few of you a bit of a headache. But we think


Lifehacks, Tips

Four Adventurous Ways to Spend Your Weekend

We are all so busy working every week that when the weekend approaches we want to celebrate the freedom of being able to spend hours in bed watching films. After