Geek, Tech, Tips

Hints on Downgrading Your Device from macOS Monterey

If you are that user who has updated your Mac device to the new OS Monterey but you feel it’s not for you, do not panic because we have created


Lifehacks, Tech

USB Flash Drives: Creative Ways of Utilizing Them

USB flash drives are often designed to offer exceptional performance and versatility. The capabilities go far beyond storing and transferring files. With the following tricks at your fingertips, you can


Business, Tech

Fostering Network Security in a BYOD World

From the continuous escape from the 9-5 working schedules to the increase in technological advancements, it is almost impossible for businesses to ignore the need for BYOD policies. Slowly, employees


Business, Tech

Benefits Of Cloud Technology For Businesses And Governments

Cloud technology has many benefits over traditional localized hardware and infrastructure. It’s commonly used in our day-to-day lives: for data storage, virtual workspaces, social media networking, streaming media services, online


Nerdy Daily Web Development and Design Links

#WDNDL For 9/22/2009 – HUGE – Tech Goodies, Tutorials, Inspiration, AJAX & WP Resources!

Magento – Wiki – Opening PHTML Files in Dreamweaver Great guide to opening up .phtml files in Dreamweaver fully supported – especially useful if you use Dreamweaver to edit Zend


Nerdy Daily Web Development and Design Links

#WDNDL For 7/01/2009 – AJAX!! and Web Inspirations!!

Its Wednesday and If you haven’t heard, my Great Grandmother Died last night at the ripe old age of 100! Sad news to hear but she had a very fulfilled


Nerdy Daily Web Development and Design Links

Web Development Nerdy Daily Links For 3/21/2009 – HUGE POST!

Its the weekend! Followfriday was a blast, I would like to thank everyone for all of their kind recommendations yesterday, I was truly honored. So Today you get HUGE Nerdy


Nerdy Daily Web Development and Design Links :: Web Development Nerdy Daily Links For 11/02/2008

So this has been a good productive weekend for me, getting some programming work done for clients AND getting startup stuff done as well! I hope you guys have gotten