Code, CSS3, Design, Development, Freelance, HTML5, jQuery, Marketing, Mobile, Tech, Tips, Web

The Right Design for Mobile and Tablets

Demand for responsive Web design is booming, as traffic from mobile devices keeps growing. Since 2012, global Web traffic coming from mobile users has increased from 11.1 to 17.4 percent,


Advertising, Business, Marketing, Mobile, Productivity, Tech, Tips, Web

How To Increase Mobile Consumer Engagement

Mobile devices are impacting not only online buying behavior, but in-store purchases as well. Analysts predict that by 2016, mobile input will influence $689 billion of consumer shopping decisions in


Blogging, Tech, Tips, Web, Wordpress

WordPress Security Plugins To Lock Down Your Site

Website security is one of those topics that is always relevant. Just when a solution or fix is created for some virus or other hacker threat, a new one comes


Business, Design, Development, Entrepreneur, Freelance, Inspiration, Marketing, Tips, Web

The Fastest Way to Get More Design Business

Whether you’re a graphic designer, web designer or poster printer, getting more business is essential for success. While quality is important, the fastest way to get more design business is


Design, Development, Entrepreneur, Freelance, Geek, Inspiration, Marketing, Tech, Tips, Web

Why 75% of Web Designers Fail Miserably And What To Do About It

You announce your plans to become a web designer, expecting a barrage of congratulatory back patting, bear hugging, and reassurances that you are going to be the best in the


Design, Inspiration, Web

27 Brilliant Websites inspired by Medicine

Doctors are the kind of people who evoke a lot of respect with what they do every day for their living. The profession that they choose is truly amazing and


Code, Design, Development, Freelance, Inspiration, Photoshop, Productivity, Tips, Tutorials, Web

30 Best Tutorials to Teach You PSD to HTML Conversion

You can learn pretty much anything you want in todays online landscape, it has truly changed the way we teach ourselves things (especially when it comes to design and development


Blogging, Business, Design, Development, Entrepreneur, Inspiration

Know Your Options For Website Creation

When it comes to website building, you could be creating one for a wide variety of reasons. Websites are diverse, highly customizable, and can be relatively simple to set up,