The week is moving right along, What have you accomplished so far? Need Motivation? Look no further! Get your Daily Nerdy Link Fix!! I want to Thank all of my :: Web Development Nerdy Daily Links For 12/14/2008
Happy Sunday! It is the day of rest, and to commemorate that I was feeling a little lazy today, so sorry for the lack of a ton of links, BUT :: Web Development Nerdy Daily Links For 11/30/2008
The long weekend is coming to a close, but I am ready for Christmas now! The Nerdy Links are back in full force! So check them out and pass them
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Update 2012 If you love these so much that you want to learn to make your own, then check out these epic 8-bit pixel art tutorials that we put together, :: Web Development Nerdy Daily Links For 11/29/2008
Dead Tired from Black Friday shopping. Put up a Christmas Tree! Now, for a day of rest..NOT! The Nerdy Links are back in full force! So check them out and :: Web Development Nerdy Daily Links For 11/26/2008 has had a great week! I wish you all a happy Thanksgiving tomorrow, and remember to be thankful for everything that you have, Especially Daily Nerdy Resources! Enjoy this :: Web Development Nerdy Daily Links For 11/24/2008
Starting the Week off STRONG with a healthy helping of Nerdy Links! Preparing you for thanksgiving this week ;)! Go get the resources!! Twitter Stuff Twitter Fan Wiki / Apps :: Web Development Nerdy Daily Links For 11/18/2008
Another week is off here at and we would like to say Hello and welcome to all the new Subscribers, daily visitors, and twitter friends! Happy Tuesday, your nerdy